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Fantastic Uses for 14 Inch Knitting Needles

  I posted a question to all my favorite Facebook knitting groups. Hoped for inspiration on uses for my unloved 14 inch long straight knitting needles. Sharing with you the amazing answers. I didn't include names of people who provided the answers out of respect for their privacy, especially as the answers come from multiple groups. Know that your answers were fantastic and incredibly helpful! Thank you so much to everyone that responded!  Check back often as I’ll be adding even more possibilities as the answers keep rolling in!  (1) Use with the Lever Knitting Technique. Also called Irish Cottage Knitting, Speed Knitting, Pit Knitting and Underarm Knitting. This is where the needle goes under your arm in your armpit. It helps decrease pain in the wrists & elbows and allows for longer knitting sessions. Various, useful links on it.    -OR-   https://yo...

Discontinued Yarn Help

Did you run out of yarn and then discovered they discontinued it? Never fear! There are several possibilities to explore. You may luck out.  There is always the chance you must settle for yarn of a different dye lot. Read on for resources to help you in your hunt. See if you can find your discontinued yarn in one of the resources below.  The bottom of this post will help you find yarn substitutions should the worst case scenario become a reality. Even a substitution yarn may help you finish your project. Discontinued Yarn Hunt Locally -  Y our local yarn store or local chain craft store. Try your local yarn stores, whether a locally owned one or a chain store such as Michaels, Joann, or Hobby Lobby. Walmart and Target are also good options. Do not be afraid to ask a clerk (call or in-person) for exactly what you are looking for. They should be able to look up their inventory and tell you if it is still in stock. And where to find it in their store. If a chain store? Th...

Creativity & Mindfulness - Book Review

  I highly recommend the new book, “Emergence: The Role of Mindfulness in Creativity” by Rosie Rosenzweig. She presents creativity in a way we have not seen in ages. Or ever. It is an intriguing book which includes how quite different individuals achieve their creativity flow with a beautiful awareness of humanity. She unravels the congestion the western world has put upon the word’s ‘mindfulness’ and ‘meditation’. Her clarifications in how we see these concepts is long overdue. Loved this book and the exquisite way she breathed life back into this artist.   Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

Python - Learn for Free

Python free resources. Newbies to the language or coding itself. Before you go and start bouncing around on websites, read this first: A lot of people tend to learn through YouTube. However, it is strongly suggested you first go to the website and follow their instructions. You need to log into the official website and follow the instructions. It will tell you have to download and install it. Plus it has all the documentation. STACK OVERFLOW (1) Sign up for Stack Overflow account. (2) First rule of being a successful programmer - Learn to use Google. No joke. (3) Second rule of being a successful programmer - Learn to use Stack Overflow. (4) Stack Overflow is the the website used around the world by most programmers. Learn to use it. YOUTUBE (1) Python Programmer - h ttps:// (2) SentDex - (3) Python Tutorial for Beginners [Full Course] -

NaNoWriMo - Join Me?

I'm finally doing it! After all these years. I'm doing NaNoWriMo! It's a bit scary when first considering it. 1,670 words a day, everyday, for the month of November. Write one, long book during that time. With the goal of 50,000 words (minimum) by end of November 30th. Truth is, it's not as hard or as scary as it sounds. Some of my days  will be more productive and make up for the days when I'm overwhelmed with life and unable to write as much. Also, when I log my progress on their website, no one actually sees what I write. I actually never show anyone what I wrote. Unless I want to. A NaNoWriMo veteran made sure I knew that I was to write furiously and with ZERO edits during this time. First rough draft only. Do NOT go back and edit, no matter how badly I wanted to. It's how this fantastic annual writing event works! Many people have gone on to publish what they wrote during that November. After heavy editing, of course. Reminder: Only editing AFTER November ...

Favorite Knitting Help

Knitting is a forever-learning craft. Sometimes answers are hard to find. Sharing my go-to knitting resources accumulated over the years. I would love you to share your favorite resource!  Absolute Favorite Sites Handy Knitting Calculators and Charts  - This website contains other calculators you will use over and over again! Also, look at the bottom of the page to links of other useful tidbits of information! Knitting Calculator - Want to know how much yarn you will need to knit that women's sweater? What about when you want to use a specific weight of yarn? This is the only website I can find that does these calculations for you!!! Ravelry - The world's largest collection of free knitting patterns! Did you know that it allows you to do amazingly detailed searches? You can even save these searches and get ale...