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Showing posts with the label trump

Why Do You Still Support Trump

This is one of several reasons why I no longer trust or respect you if you are still a Trump supporter. I was patient when I saw that you had drank the koolaid. I normally try to not let politics get in the way of my connections to others.  But now I am just disgusted by you as I cannot ignore the fact that you see this and still support this openly horrible human that holds so much power over us.  True to form, as Trump was being impeached, he mocked the death of the late House Rep. John Dingell of Michigan, who served in World War II in the U.S. Army and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, by suggesting that he is now in hell, because his wife, Rep. Deborah Ann Dingell, voted to impeach him tonight. The audience at his rally laughed and cheered. Trump supporters, this is what you support. You own this.

Truth on Ravelry Policy Change

Reality Check I really, really want to clarify something. Trump supporters being shut out of the Ravelry website is FALSE. It is also bad reporting by several news sources. A quote from Ravelry's new policy: "You can still participate if you do in fact support the administration, you just can’t talk about it here." They made it clear Trump supporters are not banned. It is the display of support for Trump and his administration that is banned. There is a very, very huge difference. Nor are they banning support of conservatives or Republicans. But because 95% of the news reporting states that people are being outright banned, it is causing half of this problem, this outrage. I was shocked by how many respected news outlets were either making things inflammatory and getting this huge detail wrong - or flat out lying in an even more major way. Truth is, they did not go off and ban a whole group of people. Though I am not a Trump supporter, I am really get...