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NaNoWriMo - Join Me?

I'm finally doing it! After all these years. I'm doing NaNoWriMo! It's a bit scary when first considering it. 1,670 words a day, everyday, for the month of November. Write one, long book during that time. With the goal of 50,000 words (minimum) by end of November 30th. Truth is, it's not as hard or as scary as it sounds. Some of my days  will be more productive and make up for the days when I'm overwhelmed with life and unable to write as much. Also, when I log my progress on their website, no one actually sees what I write. I actually never show anyone what I wrote. Unless I want to. A NaNoWriMo veteran made sure I knew that I was to write furiously and with ZERO edits during this time. First rough draft only. Do NOT go back and edit, no matter how badly I wanted to. It's how this fantastic annual writing event works! Many people have gone on to publish what they wrote during that November. After heavy editing, of course. Reminder: Only editing AFTER November 30th, too. Haha. 

I love to write and have been told some of my pieces are pretty good. But, like most writers, I lack confidence. Because of this, I'm attempting to build up a community of support for my participation in NaNoWriMo this year.

If you  write, consider doing it this year! At least attempt to! I created and operate a writer's group on Discord and NaNoWriMo. It's called "Writers Guild". I would love for anyone, and everyone, consider trying NaNoWriMo out this year. I'll list all the needed information below. Not a fan or familiar with Discord? No worries! Many people are part of my NaNoWriMo group only and not the Discord side! The thing is, the more people in the groups, the better support each person receives. The impact of having others see your daily progress, and seeing theirs, is encouraging and uplifting when we all cheer each other on!

Have I peaked your interest? Good! Here is information on the whole thing. Note that the free course I list isn't required or needed. It's only extra help if you would like to check it out and see if it's for you.

Not familiar with this awesome annual November event? This wiki page should help you a great deal in understanding what it's about! 

If you want to participate, first create a profile on their website. Please know that creating a profile doesn't obligate you to anything, including participating this year. Your account is actually for year around events, not just for this big one! Or just for you to look around! Again, no obligation!

Remember! They will send you a verification link to the email address you provided. Please make sure that, before you do ANYTHING else, you find that email, click on it, and make sure you get verified!

Additionally, it's totally optional on what you want your username to be. However, this is the name which will be on your certificate. I, and many others, decided to use real names. Trust me, you'll be happy you did.

The NaNoWriMo website to sign up - 

I would absolutely love it if you connected with me on the NaNoWriMo website! 

No pressure. But if interested...  

Once you verify your account, consider a few things. I love making friends. Feel free to connect with me. 

My profile on NaNoWriMo -

Think about joining my group on NaNoWriMo! 

Writers Guild on NaNoWriMo - 

If you use Discord, ever thought about using it, please consider joining my group on there as well. And, like usual, you are free to friend me on Discord, too! What is Discord? It's basically like Slack but WAY better. And everyone is now using it, including schools, churches, you name it!

You can find me, on Discord, by looking for this username: Geekstress#4068

Writers Guild on Discord -

If you join our Discord group, you'll have access to more writing resources than you can imagine!

Need help planning your NaNoWriMo participation? Consider checking out this totally free course! 

Writing Novel Prep Challenge for NaNoWriMo. Select the 'free' course at the top left!

I honestly hope you'll consider doing it. Have you done it before? Great! Consider joining forces with us! Haven't? It actually is a fantastic way to kick up you writing! 

Remember ! "The first draft is just you telling yourself the story." And nothing else. Don't stress about it! (Quote from Terry Pratchett.)

Hope to hear from you! 

- Cindy


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