I needed a headband that would fit even my odd shaped head. Those with buttons in the pattern were fine - until the yarn stretched out. This pattern allows you straps long enough to tie it behind your head to secure the headband! So no matter how much the yarn stretches out, you can adjust where you tie the straps! And the body of the headband is wide enough to hold hair back in a pretty but understated way. The body of the pattern is simple. The body of the headband is also not so wide that you have that annoying gap at the back but also not so narrow that hair is spiking out on the sides. As I said, my head is odd shaped which means, for me, many headbands slip right back off my head. I've tried my pattern with less stretchy and with more bulky yarn, and they don't grip as well - for me. But for you, they might. For my odd shaped head, I've found mixed yarns worked best. So far my two favorites have been one that was a cotton/wool mix. And the other yarn (show...
Published Poet | Astronomer | Writer | Artist | I pen on life, tech, and the universe.