My own words as someone who has intimate experience with grief from this beast: Suicide does not know your color, gender, sex orientation, number of friends you have, how much is in your bank account. There are so many myths about suicide even today which make it harder to address the issue and attempt prevention. This is not depression. Just because you have depression does not mean you are now on some slippery slope where, if not careful, it could tip you to become suicidal. This is different. Yet, no one is safe from it despite what they believe. Being suicidal is not a mental illness. It can happen to a person with no mental history who has undergone a great deal of trauma. Or not. This is an very personal beast that is unique to each person it attacks. And you will never know the details of the personal hell that made this person believe they no longer had the resources to deal with their pain. People do not want to die. They just want the pain to stop.
Published Poet | Astronomer | Writer | Artist | I pen on life, tech, and the universe.