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Why Do You Still Support Trump

This is one of several reasons why I no longer trust or respect you if you are still a Trump supporter. I was patient when I saw that you had drank the koolaid. I normally try to not let politics get in the way of my connections to others. 
But now I am just disgusted by you as I cannot ignore the fact that you see this and still support this openly horrible human that holds so much power over us. 
True to form, as Trump was being impeached, he mocked the death of the late House Rep. John Dingell of Michigan, who served in World War II in the U.S. Army and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, by suggesting that he is now in hell, because his wife, Rep. Deborah Ann Dingell, voted to impeach him tonight. The audience at his rally laughed and cheered.
Trump supporters, this is what you support. You own this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your blog!The story he told is a lie. By the way your next blog should be about whenever he tells a story and he says someone called him sir, all or part of that story is false! But Rep Dingle did not call him, he called her to say he was lowering the flags at the White House and she said thank you, that it! She didn't ask for his body to lie in state at the Capitol, that has to be authorized by Congress anyway. She didn't ask for anything! What a horrible human he is! All because she voted to impeach him.


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