I posted a question to all my favorite Facebook knitting groups. Hoped for inspiration on uses for my unloved 14 inch long straight knitting needles. Sharing with you the amazing answers. I didn't include names of people who provided the answers out of respect for their privacy, especially as the answers come from multiple groups. Know that your answers were fantastic and incredibly helpful! Thank you so much to everyone that responded! Check back often as I’ll be adding even more possibilities as the answers keep rolling in! (1) Use with the Lever Knitting Technique. Also called Irish Cottage Knitting, Speed Knitting, Pit Knitting and Underarm Knitting. This is where the needle goes under your arm in your armpit. It helps decrease pain in the wrists & elbows and allows for longer knitting sessions. Various, useful links on it. https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/knit-faster-with-lever-knitting-2115451/ -OR- https://yo...
Published Poet | Astronomer | Writer | Artist | I pen on life, tech, and the universe.