Should you pay for writing resources? No! Internet is full of fantastic free software and websites to help your writing. Take advantage of them! Here are a few of my favorites... Bhooks - Fantastic way to get feedback on your writing. Or find some great reads. Read, write, or share feedback. Make friends with like-minded people. / Writing It Out - Excellent blogging guide for writing and editing. HemingWay App - Online AI editor. Follow the instructions on their website to understand what each color means. This editor rivals many of the AI editors one could pay for. Apollo Pad - ApolloPad is a feature-packed online writing environment that will help you finish your novels, ebooks, and short stories. Wavemaker - Novel planning and writing software that runs on any platform. Quoll Writer - A writing applicat...
Published Poet | Astronomer | Writer | Artist | I pen on life, tech, and the universe.