Generations Purse Don’t panic if you need to make a gift quickly! Browse through this extensive list of ideas for small, free, fast, and cute knit patterns which are perfect as gifts! If nothing else, hopefully the list will inspire you on ideas! Have fun! I would absolutely love to see your finished projects in the comments section! And it would be fantastic to hear what patterns you think I should add to this list! Please let me know if you discover any patterns are crochet (oops!) or have a fee. They’ll be removed immediately as this list is just for free knit patterns. Wee Knitting Needle Bag Knitting Needle Knitting Bag Lavender Sachet Simple iPhone Cozy, Two Ways "Grrr" Cute Funny Washcloth/Dishcloth Knitted Pocket Felted (1) Coin Purse or (2) Notions Purse "A Little Bird Told Me" Cute Small Handbag/Purse Christine Bag (this is really pretty!) Beginner's Luck Pouch Square Cake Wristlet Handbag/Purse The Little Coco Bag Swa...